Publications of year 1999
Conference articles
  1. D. Goudin, P. Hénon, F. Pellegrini, P. Ramet, J. Roman, and J.-J. Pesque. Algèbre Linéaire Creuse Parallèle pour les Méthodes Directes : Application à la Parallélisation d'un Code de Mécanique des Structures. In Journées sur l'Algèbre Linéaire Creuse et ses Applications Industrielles, Rennes, France, 1999. Keyword(s): Sparse.
    author = "Goudin, D. and H\'enon, P. and Pellegrini, F. and Ramet, P. and Roman, J. and Pesque, J.-J.",
    title = "{A}lg\`ebre Lin\'eaire Creuse Parall\`ele pour les M\'ethodes Directes : Application \`a la Parall\'elisation d'un Code de M\'ecanique des Structures",
    booktitle = "{J}ourn\'ees sur l'{A}lg\`ebre {L}in\'eaire {C}reuse et ses {A}pplications {I}ndustrielles",
    OPTcrossref = {},
    OPTkey = {},
    OPTeditor = {},
    OPTvolume = {},
    OPTnumber = {},
    OPTseries = {},
    year = "1999",
    OPTorganization = {},
    OPTpublisher = {},
    address = {Rennes, France},
    OPTmonth = {},
    OPTpages = {},
    note = {},
    OPTannote = {},
    URL = {},
    KEYWORDS = "Sparse" 

  2. D. Goudin, P. Hénon, F. Pellegrini, P. Ramet, J. Roman, and J.-J. Pesque. Parallel Sparse Linear Algebra and Application to Structural Mechanics. In SPWorld'99, Montpellier, France, 1999. Keyword(s): Sparse.
    author = "Goudin, D. and H\'enon, P. and Pellegrini, F. and Ramet, P. and Roman, J. and Pesque, J.-J.",
    title = "Parallel Sparse Linear Algebra and Application to Structural Mechanics",
    booktitle = "{SPWorld}'99",
    OPTcrossref = {},
    OPTkey = {},
    OPTeditor = {},
    OPTvolume = {},
    OPTnumber = {},
    OPTseries = {},
    year = {1999},
    OPTorganization = {},
    OPTpublisher = {},
    address = {Montpellier, France},
    OPTmonth = {},
    OPTpages = {},
    OPTnote = {},
    OPTannote = {},
    URL = {},
    KEYWORDS = "Sparse" 

  3. P. Hénon, P. Ramet, and J. Roman. A Mapping and Scheduling Algorithm for Parallel Sparse Fan-In Numerical Factorization. In Proceedings of Euro-Par'99, volume 1685 of LNCS, Toulouse, France, pages 1059-1067, September 1999. Springer Verlag. Keyword(s): Sparse.
    We present and analyze a general algorithm which computes efficient static schedulings of block computations for parallel sparse linear factorization. Our solver, based on a supernodal fan-in approach, is fully driven by this scheduling. We give an overview of the algorithms and present performance results on a 16-node IBM-SP2 with 66 MHz Power2 thin nodes for a collection of grid and irregular problems.

    author = {H\'enon, P. and Ramet, P. and Roman, J.},
    title = {{A} {M}apping and {S}cheduling {A}lgorithm for {P}arallel {S}parse {F}an-{I}n {N}umerical {F}actorization},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of Euro-Par'99},
    address = {Toulouse, France},
    pages = {1059-1067},
    year = 1999,
    month = sep,
    volume = 1685,
    series = {LNCS},
    publisher = {Springer Verlag},
    URL = {},
    KEYWORDS = "Sparse",
    ABSTRACT = {We present and analyze a general algorithm which computes efficient static schedulings of block computations for parallel sparse linear factorization. Our solver, based on a supernodal fan-in approach, is fully driven by this scheduling. We give an overview of the algorithms and present performance results on a 16-node IBM-SP2 with 66 MHz Power2 thin nodes for a collection of grid and irregular problems.} 

Internal reports
  1. D. Goudin. Mise en oeuvre d'une Bibliothèque d'Outils pour la Résolution par Méthode Directe de Grands Systèmes Linéaires Creux Symétriques Définis Positifs sur Machine Parallèle. Technical report, C.E.A. / C.E.S.T.A, 1999. Note: Rapport Semestriel de la Deuxième Partie. Keyword(s): Sparse.
    author = "Goudin, D.",
    title = "Mise en oeuvre d'une Biblioth\`eque d'Outils pour la R\'esolution par M\'ethode Directe de Grands Syst\`emes Lin\'eaires Creux Sym\'etriques D\'efinis Positifs sur Machine Parall\`ele",
    institution = "C.E.A. / C.E.S.T.A",
    year = "1999",
    note = "Rapport Semestriel de la Deuxi\`eme Partie",
    KEYWORDS = "Sparse" 

  2. D. Goudin. Mise en oeuvre d'une Bibliothèque d'Outils pour la Résolution par Méthode Directe de Grands Systèmes Linéaires Creux Symétriques Définis Positifs sur Machine Parallèle. Technical report, C.E.A. / C.E.S.T.A, 1999. Note: Rapport Final de la Première Partie. Keyword(s): Sparse.
    author = "Goudin, D.",
    title = "Mise en oeuvre d'une Biblioth\`eque d'Outils pour la R\'esolution par M\'ethode Directe de Grands Syst\`emes Lin\'eaires Creux Sym\'etriques D\'efinis Positifs sur Machine Parall\`ele",
    institution = "C.E.A. / C.E.S.T.A",
    year = "1999",
    note = "Rapport Final de la Premi\`ere Partie",
    KEYWORDS = "Sparse" 



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Last modified: Tue Apr 4 11:58:35 2023
Author: ramet.

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