Publications of year 2009
  1. M. Faverge. Static-Dynamic Hybrid Scheduling in sparse linear algebra for large clusters of NUMA and multi-cores architectures. PhD thesis, Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I, December 2009. Keyword(s): Sparse.
    New supercomputers incorporate many microprocessors which include themselves one or many computational cores. These new architectures induce strongly hierarchical topologies. These are called NUMA architectures. Sparse direct solvers are a basic building block of many numerical simulation algorithms. They need to be adapted to these new architectures with Non Uniform Memory Accesses. We propose to introduce a dynamic scheduling designed for NUMA architectures in the PaStiX, solver. The data structures of the solver, as well as the patterns of communication have been modified to meet the needs of these architectures and dynamic scheduling. We are also interested in the dynamic adaptation of the computation grain to use efficiently multi-core architectures and shared memory. Experiments on several numerical test cases will be presented to prove the efficiency of the approach on different architectures.

    TITLE = {{Static-Dynamic Hybrid Scheduling in sparse linear algebra for large clusters of NUMA and multi-cores architectures}},
    AUTHOR = {Faverge, M.},
    URL = {},
    SCHOOL = {{Universit{\'e} Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I}},
    YEAR = {2009},
    MONTH = Dec,
    KEYWORDS = {Sparse},
    PDF = {},
    HAL_ID = {tel-00453997},
    HAL_VERSION = {v1},
    ABSTRACT = {New supercomputers incorporate many microprocessors which include themselves one or many computational cores. These new architectures induce strongly hierarchical topologies. These are called NUMA architectures. Sparse direct solvers are a basic building block of many numerical simulation algorithms. They need to be adapted to these new architectures with Non Uniform Memory Accesses. We propose to introduce a dynamic scheduling designed for NUMA architectures in the PaStiX, solver. The data structures of the solver, as well as the patterns of communication have been modified to meet the needs of these architectures and dynamic scheduling. We are also interested in the dynamic adaptation of the computation grain to use efficiently multi-core architectures and shared memory. Experiments on several numerical test cases will be presented to prove the efficiency of the approach on different architectures.} 

  2. J. Gaidamour. Design of a parallel hybrid direct/iterative sparse linear solver. PhD thesis, Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I, December 2009. Keyword(s): Sparse.
    This thesis presents a parallel resolution method for sparse linear systems which combines effectively techniques of direct and iterative solvers using a Schur complement approach. A domain decomposition is built ; the interiors of the subdomains are eliminated by a direct method in order to use an iterative method only on the interface unknowns. The system on the interface (Schur complement) is solved thanks to an iterative method preconditioned by a global incomplete factorization. A special ordering on the Schur complement allows to build a scalable preconditioner. Algorithms minimizing the memory peak that appears during the construction of the preconditioner are presented. The memory is balanced thanks to a multiple domains per processors parallelization scheme. The methods are implemented in the Hips solver and parallel experimental results are presented on large industrial test cases.

    TITLE = {{Design of a parallel hybrid direct/iterative sparse linear solver}},
    AUTHOR = {Gaidamour, J.},
    URL = {},
    SCHOOL = {{Universit{\'e} Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I}},
    YEAR = {2009},
    MONTH = Dec,
    KEYWORDS = {Sparse},
    PDF = {},
    HAL_ID = {tel-00456605},
    HAL_VERSION = {v1},
    ABSTRACT = {This thesis presents a parallel resolution method for sparse linear systems which combines effectively techniques of direct and iterative solvers using a Schur complement approach. A domain decomposition is built ; the interiors of the subdomains are eliminated by a direct method in order to use an iterative method only on the interface unknowns. The system on the interface (Schur complement) is solved thanks to an iterative method preconditioned by a global incomplete factorization. A special ordering on the Schur complement allows to build a scalable preconditioner. Algorithms minimizing the memory peak that appears during the construction of the preconditioner are presented. The memory is balanced thanks to a multiple domains per processors parallelization scheme. The methods are implemented in the Hips solver and parallel experimental results are presented on large industrial test cases.} 

Articles in journal, book chapters
  1. R. Abgrall, R. Huart, and P. Ramet. Numerical simulation of unsteady MHD flows and applications. MagnetoHydroDynamics Journal, 45(2):225-232, 2009. Keyword(s): Fusion.
    author = {Abgrall, R. and Huart, R. and Ramet, P.},
    title = "Numerical simulation of unsteady MHD flows and applications",
    journal = {MagnetoHydroDynamics Journal},
    year = {2009},
    OPTkey = {},
    volume = 45,
    number = 2,
    pages = {225-232},
    OPTmonth = {},
    OPTnote = {},
    OPTannote = {},
    KEYWORDS = "Fusion" 

  2. G. Huysmans, S. Pamela, E. van der Plas, and P. Ramet. Non-linear MHD simulations of edge localized modes (ELMs). Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 51(12):124012, 2009. Keyword(s): Fusion.
    Non-linear MHD simulations of edge localized modes (ELMs) show features in qualitative agreement with the experimental observations such as the formation and speed of filaments, features in the radial profiles and the fine structure observed in the power deposition profiles at the divertor target. The density perturbation predominantly follows the ballooning mode convection cells leading to density filaments. The temperature perturbation, due to the large parallel conduction, follows the magnetic field perturbation. Simulations of pellets injected in the H-mode pedestal show that the high pressure in the high density plasmoid can become large enough to drive ballooning type modes forming a single helical structure located at the pellet (plasmoid) position.

    author={Huysmans, G. and Pamela, S. and van~der~Plas, E. and Ramet, P.},
    title={Non-linear {MHD} simulations of edge localized modes (ELMs)},
    journal={Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion},
    KEYWORDS = "Fusion",
    abstract={Non-linear MHD simulations of edge localized modes (ELMs) show features in qualitative agreement with the experimental observations such as the formation and speed of filaments, features in the radial profiles and the fine structure observed in the power deposition profiles at the divertor target. The density perturbation predominantly follows the ballooning mode convection cells leading to density filaments. The temperature perturbation, due to the large parallel conduction, follows the magnetic field perturbation. Simulations of pellets injected in the H-mode pedestal show that the high pressure in the high density plasmoid can become large enough to drive ballooning type modes forming a single helical structure located at the pellet (plasmoid) position.} 

Conference articles
  1. M. Barrault, B. Lathuilière, P. Ramet, and J. Roman. A Non Overlapping Parallel Domain Decomposition Method Applied to The Simplified Transport Equations. In International Conference on Mathematics, Computational Methods & Reactor Physics, New-York, USA, May 2009. Keyword(s): Neutron.
    author = {Barrault, M. and Lathuili\`ere, B. and Ramet, P. and Roman, J.},
    title = {A Non Overlapping Parallel Domain Decomposition Method Applied to The Simplified Transport Equations},
    OPTcrossref = {},
    OPTkey = {},
    booktitle = {International Conference on Mathematics, Computational Methods & Reactor Physics},
    OPTpages = {},
    year = {2009},
    OPTeditor = {},
    OPTvolume = {},
    OPTnumber = {},
    OPTseries = {},
    address = {New-York, USA},
    month = may,
    OPTorganization = {},
    OPTpublisher = {},
    URL = {},
    KEYWORDS = "Neutron",
    OPTannote = {} 

  2. M. Faverge. A NUMA Aware Scheduler for a Parallel Sparse Direct Solver. In Journées Informatique Massivement Multiprocesseur et Multicoeur, Rocquencourt, France, February 2009. Keyword(s): Sparse.
    author = {Faverge, M.},
    title = {A NUMA Aware Scheduler for a Parallel Sparse Direct Solver},
    booktitle = "Journ\'ees Informatique Massivement Multiprocesseur et Multicoeur",
    OPTcrossref = {},
    OPTkey = {},
    OPTpages = {},
    year = {2009},
    OPTeditor = {},
    OPTvolume = {},
    OPTnumber = {},
    OPTseries = {},
    address = {Rocquencourt, France},
    month = feb,
    OPTorganization = {},
    OPTpublisher = {},
    OPTannote = {},
    URL = {},
    KEYWORDS = "Sparse",

  3. M. Faverge. Dynamic Scheduling for Sparse Direct Solver on NUMA and Multicore Architectures. In Sparse Days, Toulouse, France, June 2009. Keyword(s): Sparse.
    author = {Faverge, M.},
    title = {Dynamic Scheduling for Sparse Direct Solver on NUMA and Multicore Architectures},
    booktitle = "Sparse Days",
    OPTcrossref = {},
    OPTkey = {},
    OPTpages = {},
    year = {2009},
    OPTeditor = {},
    OPTvolume = {},
    OPTnumber = {},
    OPTseries = {},
    address = {Toulouse, France},
    month = jun,
    OPTorganization = {},
    OPTpublisher = {},
    OPTannote = {},
    KEYWORDS = "Sparse",

  4. M. Faverge. Vers un solveur de systèmes linéaires creux adapté aux machines NUMA. In ACTES RenPar'2009, Toulouse, France, September 2009. Keyword(s): Sparse.
    author = {Faverge, M.},
    title = {Vers un solveur de syst\`emes lin\'eaires creux adapt\'e aux machines {NUMA}},
    booktitle = "ACTES RenPar'2009",
    OPTcrossref = {},
    OPTkey = {},
    OPTpages = {},
    year = {2009},
    OPTeditor = {},
    OPTvolume = {},
    OPTnumber = {},
    OPTseries = {},
    address = {Toulouse, France},
    month = sep,
    OPTorganization = {},
    OPTpublisher = {},
    OPTnote = {},
    OPTannote = {},
    URL = {},
    KEYWORDS = "Sparse",

  5. G. Huysmans, Pamela S., E. van der Plas, and P. Ramet. Non-Linear MHD simulations of Edge Localised Modes. In 36th EPS Plasma Physics Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, June 2009. Keyword(s): Fusion.
    author = {Huysmans, G. and Pamela S. and van~der~Plas, E. and Ramet, P.},
    title = {Non-Linear {MHD} simulations of Edge Localised Modes},
    OPTcrossref = {},
    OPTkey = {},
    booktitle = {36th {EPS} Plasma Physics Conference},
    OPTpages = {},
    year = {2009},
    OPTeditor = {},
    OPTvolume = {},
    OPTnumber = {},
    OPTseries = {},
    address = {Sofia, Bulgaria},
    month = jun,
    OPTorganization = {},
    OPTpublisher = {},
    URL = {},
    KEYWORDS = "Fusion",
    OPTannote = {} 

  6. P. Ramet. Dynamic Scheduling for Sparse Direct Solver on NUMA and Multicore Architectures. In ComplexHPC meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, October 2009. Keyword(s): Sparse.
    author = {Ramet, P.},
    title = {Dynamic Scheduling for Sparse Direct Solver on NUMA and Multicore Architectures},
    booktitle = "ComplexHPC meeting",
    OPTcrossref = {},
    OPTkey = {},
    OPTpages = {},
    year = {2009},
    OPTeditor = {},
    OPTvolume = {},
    OPTnumber = {},
    OPTseries = {},
    address = {Lisbon, Portugal},
    month = oct,
    OPTorganization = {},
    OPTpublisher = {},
    OPTannote = {},
    KEYWORDS = "Sparse",



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Last modified: Tue Apr 4 11:58:35 2023
Author: ramet.

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