Publications of year 2021
Articles in journal, book chapters
  1. Matthias Hoelzl, Guido Huijsmans, Stanislas Pamela, Marina Bécoulet, Eric Nardon, Francisco Javier Artola, Boniface Nkonga, Calin Vlad Atanasiu, Vinodh Bandaru, Ashish Bhole, Daniele Bonfiglio, Andres Cathey, Olivier Czarny, Anastasia Dvornova, Tamas Fehér, Alexandre Fil, Emmanuel Franck, Shimpei Futatani, Marta Gruca, Hervé Guillard, Willem J. Haverkort, Ihor Holod, Di Hu, S.K. Kim, Sven Q. Korving, Leon Kos, Isabel Krebs, Lukas Kripner, Guillaume Latu, Franklin Liu, Peter Merkel, Dmytro Meshcheriakov, Verena Mitterauer, Serhiy Mochalskyy, Jorge A. Morales, Richard Nies, Nikita Nikulsin, François Orain, Jane Pratt, Rohan Ramasamy, Pierre Ramet, Cédric Reux, Konsta Särkimäki, N. Schwarz, Prabal Singh Verma, Siobhan Smith F., Cristian Sommariva, Erika Strumberger, Daan C. van Vugt, M. Verbeek, Egbert Westerhof, Fabian Wieschollek, and Jeffery Zielinski. The JOREK non-linear extended MHD code and applications to large-scale instabilities and their control in magnetically confined fusion plasmas. Nuclear Fusion, 61(6):065001, May 2021. Keyword(s): Fusion.
    TITLE = {{The JOREK non-linear extended MHD code and applications to large-scale instabilities and their control in magnetically confined fusion plasmas}},
    AUTHOR = {Hoelzl, Matthias and Huijsmans, Guido and Pamela, Stanislas and B{\'e}coulet, Marina and Nardon, Eric and Artola, Francisco Javier and Nkonga, Boniface and Atanasiu, Calin Vlad and Bandaru, Vinodh and Bhole, Ashish and Bonfiglio, Daniele and Cathey, Andres and Czarny, Olivier and Dvornova, Anastasia and Feh{\'e}r, Tamas and Fil, Alexandre and Franck, Emmanuel and Futatani, Shimpei and Gruca, Marta and Guillard, Herv{\'e} and Haverkort, Willem J. and Holod, Ihor and Hu, Di and Kim, S.K. and Korving, Sven Q. and Kos, Leon and Krebs, Isabel and Kripner , Lukas and Latu, Guillaume and Liu, Franklin and Merkel, Peter and Meshcheriakov, Dmytro and Mitterauer, Verena and Mochalskyy, Serhiy and Morales, Jorge A. and Nies, Richard and Nikulsin, Nikita and Orain, Fran{\c c}ois and Pratt, Jane and Ramasamy, Rohan and Ramet, Pierre and Reux, C{\'e}dric and S{\"a}rkim{\"a}ki, Konsta and Schwarz, N. and Verma, Prabal Singh and Smith F., Siobhan and Sommariva, Cristian and Strumberger, Erika and van Vugt, Daan C. and Verbeek, M. and Westerhof, Egbert and Wieschollek, Fabian and Zielinski, Jeffery},
    URL = {},
    JOURNAL = {{Nuclear Fusion}},
    PUBLISHER = {{IOP Publishing}},
    VOLUME = {61},
    NUMBER = {6},
    PAGES = {065001},
    YEAR = {2021},
    MONTH = May,
    DOI = {10.1088/1741-4326/abf99f},
    KEYWORDS = "Fusion",
    HAL_ID = {hal-03352509},
    HAL_VERSION = {v1},

Conference articles
  1. Esragul Korkmaz, Mathieu Faverge, Grégoire Pichon, and Pierre Ramet. Deciding Non-Compressible Blocks in Sparse Direct Solvers using Incomplete Factorization. In HiPC 2021 - 28th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics, Bangalore, India, pages 1-10, December 2021. IEEE. Keyword(s): Low-rank compression.
    TITLE = {{Deciding Non-Compressible Blocks in Sparse Direct Solvers using Incomplete Factorization}},
    AUTHOR = {Korkmaz, Esragul and Faverge, Mathieu and Pichon, Gr{\'e}goire and Ramet, Pierre},
    URL = {},
    BOOKTITLE = {{HiPC 2021 - 28th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics}},
    ADDRESS = {Bangalore, India},
    PAGES = {1-10},
    YEAR = {2021},
    MONTH = Dec,
    DOI = {10.1109/HiPC53243.2021.00024},
    KEYWORDS = {Low-rank compression},
    PDF = {},
    HAL_ID = {hal-03361299},
    HAL_VERSION = {v1},

  2. P. Ramet. Study of the recent developments around the PaStiX solver for the EoCoE project: distributed mem- ory, runtime systems, and low-rank. In 32nd International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics, Nice, France, May 2021. Keyword(s): Sparse.
    As the core of a large number of simulation tools, the resolution of large linear systems often represents the dominant part of the computing time. Massively parallel versions are needed to maintain advances in multi-physics and multi-scale simulations, especially when targeting exascale platforms. The aim is therefore to address the major challenge of designing and building numerically robust solvers on runtime systems that can scale up and push back the limits of existing industrial codes of the EoCoE project. In this talk, we will study the recent changes made to the solver with matrices issued from the project such as the block low-rank compression factorization, the capacity to exploit modern GPU accelerators through runtime systems, and the scalability on distributed memory.

    author = {Ramet, P.},
    title = {Study of the recent developments around the PaStiX solver for the EoCoE project: distributed mem- ory, runtime systems, and low-rank},
    OPTcrossref = {},
    OPTkey = {},
    booktitle = {32nd International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics},
    OPTpages = {},
    year = {2021},
    OPTeditor = {},
    OPTvolume = {},
    OPTnumber = {},
    OPTseries = {},
    address = {Nice, France},
    month = may,
    OPTorganization = {},
    OPTpublisher = {},
    OPTnote = {},
    OPTannote = {},
    ABSTRACT = {As the core of a large number of simulation tools, the resolution of large linear systems often represents the dominant part of the computing time. Massively parallel versions are needed to maintain advances in multi-physics and multi-scale simulations, especially when targeting exascale platforms. The aim is therefore to address the major challenge of designing and building numerically robust solvers on runtime systems that can scale up and push back the limits of existing industrial codes of the EoCoE project. In this talk, we will study the recent changes made to the solver with matrices issued from the project such as the block low-rank compression factorization, the capacity to exploit modern GPU accelerators through runtime systems, and the scalability on distributed memory.},
    KEYWORDS = "Sparse" 

Internal reports
  1. Esragul Korkmaz, Mathieu Faverge, Grégoire Pichon, and Pierre Ramet. Deciding Non-Compressible Blocks in Sparse Direct Solvers using Incomplete Factorization. Research Report RR-9396, Inria Bordeaux - Sud Ouest, 2021. Keyword(s): Low-rank compression.
    TITLE = {{Deciding Non-Compressible Blocks in Sparse Direct Solvers using Incomplete Factorization}},
    AUTHOR = {Korkmaz, Esragul and Faverge, Mathieu and Pichon, Gr{\'e}goire and Ramet, Pierre},
    URL = {},
    TYPE = {Research Report},
    NUMBER = {RR-9396},
    PAGES = {16},
    INSTITUTION = {{Inria Bordeaux - Sud Ouest}},
    YEAR = {2021},
    KEYWORDS = {Low-rank compression},
    PDF = {},
    HAL_ID = {hal-03152932},
    HAL_VERSION = {v2},



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Last modified: Tue Apr 4 11:58:35 2023
Author: ramet.

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