Cet article présente un tour d'horizon concernant les principes et techniques pouvant être utilisés pour la r'ólution de grands systèmes lin'eŕes creux. Il pr'est́e en particulier les travaux r'eaĺ'es aĹaBRI au sein du thm̀e ALiENor consacr'es `á …
We present and analyze a general algorithm which computes an efficient static scheduling of block computations for a parallel $L.D.L^t$ factorization of sparse symmetric positive definite systems based on a combination of 1D and 2D block …
This paper describes a distribution of elements for irregular finite element meshes as well as the associated parallel assembly algorithm, in the context of parallel solving of the resulting sparse linear system using a direct block solver. These …
Cet article décrit un algorithme d'assemblage parallèle pouvant être utilis ́lors de la phase de r'ólution de grands syst'eś lin'eaés creux. La premir̀e partie traite des probl'emeṕos` ̀par un code de m'ecanúe des structures nomm'e OSS ́d'evelop'́e …
This thesis deals with the high performance computation problems and more specifically with those of scientific parallel computation for irregular real-world applications. In the first part, we describe a method for overlapping communications on …
The framework of this paper is the parallelization of a plasticity algorithm that uses an implicit method and an incremental approach. More precisely, we will focus on some specific parallel sparse linear algebra algorithms which are the most …