
Sparse direct solvers with accelerators over DAG runtimes

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Conception d'un solveur haute performance de systèmes linéaires creux couplant des mt́hodes multigrilles et directes pour la r'ólution des 'eátions de Maxwell 3D en r'egé harmonique discr'eti'́ees ŕ 'el'eńtsínis

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Scalable direct and iterative solvers

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Scalable direct and iterative solvers

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A NUMA Aware Scheduler for a Parallel Sparse Direct Solver

Over the past few years, parallel sparse direct solvers made significant progress and are now able to solve efficiently industrial three-dimensional problems with several millions of unknowns. To solve efficiently these problems, PaStiX and WSMP …

Design of a parallel hybrid direct/iterative sparse linear solver

This thesis presents a parallel resolution method for sparse linear systems which combines effectively techniques of direct and iterative solvers using a Schur complement approach. A domain decomposition is built ; the interiors of the subdomains are …

Static-Dynamic Hybrid Scheduling in sparse linear algebra for large clusters of NUMA and multi-cores architectures

New supercomputers incorporate many microprocessors which include themselves one or many computational cores. These new architectures induce strongly hierarchical topologies. These are called NUMA architectures. Sparse direct solvers are a basic …

Dynamic Scheduling for Sparse Direct Solver on NUMA and Multicore Architectures

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Vers un solveur de systèmes linéaires creux adapt ́aux machines NUMA

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Dynamic Scheduling for Sparse Direct Solver on NUMA and Multicore Architectures

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