
A Parallel Multilevel ILU Factorization based on a Hierarchical Graph Decomposition

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On using an hybrid MPI-Thread programming for the implementation of a parallel sparse direct solver on a network of SMP nodes

Since the last decade, most of the supercomputer architectures are based on cluster of SMP nodes. In those architectures the exchanges between processors are made through shared memory when the processor are located on a same SMP node and through …

Blocking Issues for an Efficient Parallel Block ILU Preconditioner

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Etude de faisabilité pour la parallĺisation d'un code de m'ánique des fluides en version non structur'e

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Evaluation des performances de la version SMP du solveur PaStiX de la chaine logicielle EMILIO dans l'environnement du code ODYSSEE

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Intégration dans ODYSSEE de la chaine logicielle EMILIO

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Parallel Complete and Incomplete Blockwise Factorisations for Very Large Sparse Systems

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A Blockwise Algorithm for Parallel Incomplete Cholesky Factorization

Solving large sparse linear systems by iterative methods has often been quite unsatisfactory when dealing with pratical \"industrial\" problems. The main difficulty encountered by such methods is their lack of robustness and, generally, the …

Using of the High Performance Sparse Solver PaStiX for the Complex Multiscale 3D Simulations performed by the FluidBox Fluid Mechanics Software

In this paper, we consider a hyperbolic system with multiple time step characteristics. Such a situation arises for example in combustion problems when the acoustic time is small compared to the characteristic time associated to the flame …

Applying parallel direct solver skills to build robust and highly performant preconditioners

The purpose of our work is to provide a method which exploits the parallel blockwise algorithmic approach used in the framework of high performance sparse direct solvers in order to develop robust preconditioners based on a parallel incomplete …