
A Parallel ILU factorization based on a Hierarchical Interface Decomposition algorithm

Towards High Performance Hybrid Direct-Iterative Solvers for Large Sparse Systems

Efficient algorithms for direct resolution of large sparse system on clusters of SMP nodes

In previous works, we have described an efficient static scheduling based on a mixed 1D/2D block distribution with local aggregation for a parallel supernodal version of sparse $LL^T$ factorization. In this paper, we present new algorithms suitable …

An efficient hybrid MPI/Thread implementation on a network of SMP nodes for the parallel sparse direct solver PaStix: ordering / scheduling / memory managment / out-of-core issues, and application to preconditioning

PHIDAL: A Parallel Hierarchical Interface Decomposition Algorithm for solving sparse linear systems

Outils numériques parallèles pour la rśolution de trs̀ grands probl`ès d''éctromagn'eśme

L'émergence des machines parallèles tŕaflopiques permet maintenant de traiter des problm̀es de diffraction de tr` ̀grande taille li' ́`aès calculs hautes fr'eénces par des m'etd́es exactes. Une premi`er̀'etape de ce travail a constist'e ́pàll'elis …

A Parallel Direct Solver for Very Large Sparse SPD Systems

Amélioration et Extension du Solveur Direct Parallèle pour Grandes Matrices Creuses du CESTA

Développement de la phase d'assemblage de la chaîne EMILIO pour un solveur parallèle 2D

A Parallel Direct Solver for Very Large Sparse SPD Systems